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Issues That Include Dating A Mexican..

hey men welcome returning to our Route that which was that? fourteen days earlier we crafted a online video in which Joss was discussing the problems which come with dating a German with dating him, particularly effectively.. nicely today we’re going to… are you currently fine? I actually have allergy symptoms guy! right now we’re about to transform it close to and I’m gonna inform you all the issues which come with dating a Mexican more precisely, this specific 1 on this page I’m so fearful of this movie! I’m about to get offended big time however i know you like me and I know you confidentially really like all those aspects of me you feel so? I’m pretty sure not every them… how dare you guy due to the fact like I mentioned before: Before we start I want to mention one important thing I love you guys, i have a lot to say…. I really like Mexicans. I really like this particular one particularly Mexico is a very different country and tend to be the people.. yes that’s very correct we come in every personality, color, form and shape therefore we don’t wish to generalize anything at all.. we’re not proclaiming that every Mexican does those ideas! These things are not bad we mean that it was problematic for me as a foreigner because it was something new and I had to get used to it and not because I’m a weirdo just like in the last video I’m gonna start with the most obvious problem you have to learn English and even if your partner knows English, like she does the parents probably don’t. that’s true there’s a lot of people in Mexico that speak English or at least they know the basics but they’re so scared of speaking because of their accent or something this problem gets even bigger when you think about how big families are in Mexico and that’s the next problem you’re gonna meet a lot of people whenever you meet your boyfriend or girlfriend in Mexico and it’s Christmas, New Year, Independence Day, a wedding a wedding… there are like weddings every month yes thats’ true, when we say “problems”! be prepared to fulfill around 100 or 200 individuals 1 day which can be portion of the family members that happen to be only area of the family members! not even friends I don’t know if it’s the same for you guys but in my family, my grandparents from my mom’s side had 11 children the first time that I went to Mexico it was for Christmas I had to meet literally everybody from her family I probably know four names of her entire family don’t get overwhelmed guys… just say hi and act like you know everybody with the next point we’re gonna arrive at a very important part of Mexico: the meal you will gain body weight which is caused by a couple of things: first of all Mexican mums love to make you eat and they give you a lot of food and even when you’re done they ask you are you still hungry? have this! as well as added to that it’s tough to say no since Mexican meals are awesome tasty Oh my the lord I miss it so much… make sure you give me Enchiladas Potosinas make sure you! for me personally also make sure you another reason why why you’re gonna get excess fat due to foods are because it’s inexpensive compared to Germany correct! lets go to the next point now, in the last video just mentioned that Germans are usually on time and that was a problem for her because she wasn’t used to that. yeah for me it’s the other way around because she tends to be late all the time… but you too sometimes.. I’m in fact also past due I’m like Mexican.. you’re half Mexican that’s in fact a stereotype that we loathe I detest when folks let me know: you’re about to be delayed since you’re Mexican but I’m delayed constantly! even when I attempt my greatest… that’s some thing I’ve struggled with for a long time the next position that I had to get used to a great deal: you can receive afraid while traveling I don’t would like to travel in Mexico and also whenever your spouse, in such a case she, is traveling Mexico you, think that: in which are definitely the guidelines? in which will be the facial lines on the ground that explain to you through which lane you have to go and also the slots dude oh my our god there is a single neighborhood I need to take whenever I head to my home it has so many pockets.. I learned them my center I’m like… when you are getting for an intersection there is not actually a guideline saying that can go first Yes! – additionally, there are no indicators you generally tell me, the main one from the greatest road will go initial but for whatever reason every one of the Mexicans know where you should travel it’s good sense bro! it was the worst in Mexico Town there was clearly 1 awesome hectic street and that we have been provided by a little neighborhood and all the individuals from your small street were just heading similar to this close to all of those other autos in Mexico Metropolis I noticed my life go through my head for genuine like seven occasions along with the car owners in the ubers have been like: yeah wassup bro! how’s the weather conditions today? speaking with us ultimately is actually pretty impressive simply because Mexicans definitely learn how to travel in ridiculous situations! fine the next position is actually a funny 1 but in addition an unfortunate one particular.. at times for squares of lavatory document will be all that you’ll get where by did you practical experience that? really! we had been in the marketplace in Mexico Metropolis and i also wanted to see the potty which person in-front literally gave me 4 squares of lavatory document right here, do your personal style! and i also was like: I don’t know if that’s enough you knew it wasn’t enough! – No and so i advised him: may i have another one? I didn’t know this was an issue to suit your needs I am talking about in Germany you can get toilet papers appropriate near the bathroom.. yeah in Mexico too! yeah ok that doesn’t happen often.. I have to mention this taken place like 2 times if you ask me… haha he’s overreacting! When I was in primary school there was a woman giving the paper oh yeah you told me that before – in the toilet she would ask you: number one or number 2? If you say two she would give you two or three great on the other side that’s a good thing because it’s environment-friendly you’re not using more than you need so good for you guys now we get into the real stuff oh no on to the real st- ., and if you say one she gives you one square and. I don’t want real stuff this problem comes up even before you start dating Mexicans are very touchy for us foreigners that might be a problem because we might think “oh my god she is flirting with me or he is flirting with me”, but no! this is merely how they are they’re similar to this… so don’t get your dreams up… -OMG it’s crazy I’m so unaware of my body when I’m talking to someone when I first moved to Germany I met a girl at university and we were friends but we were just starting to be friends and one time we were waiting for a bus and I was like “I’m so tired” and I did this to lay on her shoulder and she moved her shoulder very very slowly and my head fell of course guys I’m not saying that every Mexican is touchy let us know in the comments what do you think the next problem is one that mostly foreigner guys might experience because Mexican girls can be very competitive or in other words kind of jealous I’m not saying that every Mexican girl is jealous, they’re obviously girls that are not jealous at all what I’ve experienced with her in the beginning and with your friends when they talk about stuff they can get furious OMG my friends are gonna hate you next time we go to Mexico they are very like “this guy is mine! and I’m not permitting him step out! ” that is a little bit an excessive amount of guys but… must i remind you of yesterday? when we were walking on the street in Germany a guy stared at me and you literally stared back at him like this for five minutes until he stopped staring at me but you’re totally right in that regard when I started dating you I noticed that my perception of love was completely twisted because of what I was surrounded by but now she changed completely she’s super not jealous anymore, which is a little bit sad because it was fun to watch dude character development I’m totally like… -alright you might be like.. and once I started dating you I found myself like “amazing a new w0rld! ” We have a idea however and I know this is certainly gonna cause me to audio nuts but listen to me out I think that plenty of this pondering is shaped by telenovelas. Don’t come for me personally! do you have seen a Mexican telenovela? -no -the women are incredibly dramatic and they’re so jealous and they’re so like “he’s mine she’s never ever going to consider him away from me! ” exactly why is this young lady looking at you? this mindless $·%·” footnote: guys can also be very jealous so it’s not only girls just saying don’t come for us the next point is something that I had to get used to and I still have to get used to because it’s still the same it will never change Mexicans show their emotions very very strongly, it has a good side and a bad side Mexicans really show you how much they love you, they’re very affectionate she tells me she loves me like 20 times a day -and Janik it’s like “same” when you’re fighting the emotions come out without a filter and the these emotions are not pretty okay in my defense… I have nothing to defend but I have to say I love this about Mexicans as a foreigner if you date a Mexican I feel like there’s a very high chance you have never experienced anything like that before, this amount of love so it really changes your perspective also about love I think your perspective completely changed yeah the loving side it’s bigger than anything else -yes, yes baby yes! In Mexico a lot of guys do very “gentlemany” things for example they buy flowers, they pick them up at their house, they open the doors and all that stuff so when a Mexican girl is dating a German she’s kind of expecting the same because she doesn’t know that he’s different so then German guys have to step up their game times a thousand ha ha ha ha to make her feel loved, because in her mind this is how love looks like and then I come along, the total opposite it’s basically just a cultural difference and you just have to meet in the middle I would say yes, now if you’re a girl from another country and you’re dating a Mexican guy then it might be super cool for you because he is just picking you up, he brings you roses and you’re like “what is this,. That is see that’s what I mean.. now we get to a very interesting point and I call it “the gentleman dilemma” the thing? I lowered my expectations with you no, big time though.. expectations are the mother of resentment and disappointment now we get to the last point of this video and that’s a very difficult one it has roots in the old traditions of Mexicans or Europeans or religion even as a foreigner you cannot expect sleepovers and that’s a thing that I had to deal with a lot in the beginning like it was super difficult for me to understand why am I not able to stay in the same room as my girlfriend, ” in the end of the day it helped both of us because now I’m more romantic and I’m more cold-hearted ha ha ha ha that is also a plus -no? in Germany guys can stay in the girlfriend’s home or girls can tell the boyfriend’s residence regardless if they’re less than 18, most likely 16 they may stop at the girlfriends of boyfriend’s home sinners! and then in Mexico they think the most severe of folks, that they are performing some extremely bad stuff that they are unable to do any place else one of the more repeated messages I recieve from partners is women that happen to be desperately asking me how have you make Janik recognize that he could not keep? or how can I make my mother and father fully grasp? it’s so difficult. -it’s a hardship on us as well -yes both sides simply because in the beginning you couldn’t comprehend it you have been like “I don’t have it” I used to be 22 or 23 yrs old if we started out dating and so i was like “I’m so old and that i are unable to remain in the same area as her” and my sibling is even more aged and her man couldn’t stay there I’m a grown-up. -I don’t get it either but it’s just how life works in Mexico.. we don’t want to get deep into it but if you have a girlfriend from Mexico and you’re having these issues just believe her when she says “this is how it works” -you might not be able to understand why but you just have to accept it I accept it, I respect it whenever I’m in Mexico -or if you like it then you should put a ring on it everything changes it is crazy! once once a ring is on that finger you’re free to go And also this might be more a problem of smaller cities like SLP where everything is like a double moral SLP is not that small.. If it works differently there let us know in the comments -yeah guys we’re super curious to see what you have to say about this and how does it work wherever you’re from these were the things that I had to get used to in the beginning of us dating obviously love is stronger than all of these problems together and there are so many more good things that come when you date a Mexican or a German oh yeah and that list is way longer so if you want to see a video about that please let us know in the comments down if and below you’re just starting a relationship with a Mexican or with a German hang in there talk about things, communicate, meet in the middle so we hope you liked this video if you liked it give us a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel if you’re not already and we’ll see you next week Adios muchachos Tschuss, – But compared to Mexico City I don’t know!

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